Your Last Pre-Retirement Non-railroad Employer (LPE) is defined as any non-railroad individual, company or institution for whom you are working on your annuity beginning date (ABD) or for whom you stopped working in order to receive an annuity. This includes work for a Canadian railroad that is not covered under the Railroad Retirement Act and work as an elected or appointed public official.
The non-railroad employer is always your LPE if you are working in non-railroad employment on your ABD or, if you have stopped working, you still hold rights to return to service of the non-railroad employer on your ABD.
The non-railroad employer would be presumed to be your LPE if:
- You are the employee annuitant, and stopped working for the non-railroad employer within six months immediately before your employee ABD, whether or not you also had been working for a railroad employer at the same time, or,
- You are a spouse annuitant, who may have never worked for a railroad, and stopped working for the non-railroad employer within the six months immediately before your ABD.
When applicants were working for two or more persons, companies, or institutions within the six months preceding their ABD, all such employers are presumed to be LPE.
When you applied for your annuity, we asked for the names of your most recent non-railroad employers, if any. That information established your LPE for RRB records. Any work for your LPE that continues or is resumed after your annuity beginning date must be reported to the RRB at once. Be sure to provide the name and address of your employer and your estimated monthly earnings.
If you stop LPE, or you expect a change in your estimated monthly earnings, contact the nearest RRB office to have your payments adjusted.