An employee's annuity, including Tier I benefits, is subject to support enforcement, accounting for applicable state and federal exemptions. See 20 C.F.R pt.350.
RRA annuity payments (and payments under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act) may be subject to an employee's legal obligation to provide child support or alimony (maintenance). Documents related to child support, alimony, or maintenance should be directed to:
U.S. Railroad Retirement Board Office of the General Counsel 844 North Rush Street Chicago, IL 60611-1275 |
Federal law prohibits disclosure of the employee’s current address or any other information. However, upon request, the agency may provide benefit payment information, if the information is necessary to implement/enforce a court ordered support obligation.
The Parent Locator Service has the authority to obtain address information in certain cases and can be reached at:
Parent Locator Service Office of Child Support Enforcement Department of Health and Human Services Aerospace Building 370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20447 |