Goal I: The RRB Will Provide Excellent Customer Service
Our primary means of providing excellent customer service is embodied in our mission statement to pay benefits in a correct, timely manner. However, in addition to this focus on performance, we also aim to satisfy our customers' expectations for high-quality service by providing a variety of delivery options and personalized attention. This includes expanded use of online, web-based services and a nationwide toll-free telephone number for inquiries and services. The RRB has developed the following objectives to meet this crucial goal.
Pay Benefits Timely
We measure the success of our efforts to make timely payments by looking at a variety of information, with a focus on average processing times. The RRB publishes a Customer Service Plan that outlines a number of timeliness goals covering initial retirement, survivor, and disability decisions and payments, as well as unemployment and sickness insurance applications and claims. In turn, the agency's Annual Performance Plan sets yearly targets for the percentage of customers who will receive service in the time frames specified by the Customer Service Plan. We revise these targets on an annual basis, taking into account projected workloads and available resources.
Progress against these performance targets is tracked on a continuous basis, with the results reported to our customers and stakeholders annually. This includes press releases, inclusion in our Performance and Accountability Report, budget documents, and posting on the agency's website (www.rrb.gov).
In addition to highlighting the timeliness goals mentioned above, the RRB's Customer Service Plan also centers on our fundamental principles of public service: standards, openness, accessibility, accountability and feedback. It is published nationally and posted in each RRB office in order to communicate these standards to our customers and to reinforce them with our employees. We also publish and post the results of our Customer Service goals on an annual basis.
- Customer Responsibilities
The RRB communicates with our customers about actions they can take to ensure that they receive payments in a correct, timely manner when eligible for benefits. For example, some benefits are subject to reduction based on payments from another party, income thresholds and life changes (i.e., marriage, divorce, death, and children becoming adults). We provide our customers with periodic reminders that contain clear guidance on their responsibilities to provide accurate, complete information and notify us of changes in status. Timely updates will allow customers to receive the maximum benefits to which they are legally entitled while helping the RRB avoid erroneous payments.
One occurrence that can delay receipt of payments is lost or stolen checks sent through the mail. While this does not happen on a widespread basis, such events not only cause financial hardship for our beneficiaries but additional costs to the RRB and other agencies of the government in terms of investigating and resolving claims. As a result, we will continue to work with Treasury to promote direct deposit as this is a safe, secure and less costly method of delivering benefit payments. The agency currently pays almost 96 percent of all benefits in this manner.
- Employer Responsibilities
Information provided by rail employers is the basis for the benefits paid to employees and retirees. For this reason, during the planning period, we will continue to secure timely, accurate and efficient reports of railroad service and compensation. We will continue to work closely with employers to ensure that they are aware of their responsibilities and given the support needed to carry them out.
Provide a Range of Choices in Service Delivery Methods
To meet our customers' needs and expectations, we must provide services in ways that are accessible and convenient to all of them, including the elderly and those with impairments. Past surveys have shown that the telephone was the preferred means of obtaining service in most cases. At the same time, we have expanded the number of service delivery choices available through the Internet for those who prefer self-service online. As a complementary objective, we will take advantage of technological developments that will not only satisfy our customers but improve our internal processes as well.
Nationwide toll-free service, which was implemented during fiscal year 2009, is a key component of our plan because it provides us with the ability to dynamically route phone calls among our offices based on logical business rules and customer needs. This service provides our customers with faster response times and allows agency management to more effectively balance and share workloads among offices. During this planning period, we will work to expand the functionality and services offered through the toll-free number (877-772-5772 or 877-RRB-5RRB). These enhancements will be geared to making more self-service options available in a secure manner through the interactive voice response feature now offered through the toll-free system.
We will also develop additional self-service options via the Internet, including the ability to send and transmit benefit-related data in a secure manner. This will include services for current or potential beneficiaries, as well as railroad employers. The RRB will continue to make improvements to its Employer Reporting System (ERS) to increase the amount of information relative to railroad compensation, employment and service that employers can exchange with the agency through the Internet. ERS enhancements will streamline the process by consolidating or reducing the number of forms to be submitted and providing links to allow employers to receive certain bills and recover payments through Treasury's Pay.gov website.
Our level of performance under this objective will be measured by the number of new service delivery options and access points we offer during the planning period, formal surveys and informal feedback, and utilization of online services.
- Paperless Processing
The RRB will continue to expand paperless processing to increase efficiency and productivity. Our document imaging system has improved agency processing by making information more accessible and improving the ability of managers to assign and monitor work in a more effective manner. After first implementing this system at headquarters, the RRB expanded this technology to its nationwide network of field offices that provides front-line customer service. We are currently evaluating the use of imaging to optimize our disability program to improve efficiency and service.
The RRB will also continue to improve its automated systems to reduce referrals that require time-consuming and labor-intensive manual handling.