This guide is designed to assist you in requesting records from the United States Railroad Retirement Board (RRB). The RRB is a federal agency charged with the administration of the Railroad Retirement Act and the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act. In general, the Railroad Retirement Act replaces the Social Security Act for employment in the railroad industry. Similarly, the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act replaces state unemployment acts for work in the railroad industry. The RRB is headquartered at 844 North Rush Street in Chicago, Illinois 60611-1275. All written requests for records should be directed to the Chief FOIA Officer (General Counsel) at this address unless otherwise noted in this guide.
Information available from the RRB under the FOIA includes the agency's:
Legal opinions since 1993, procedure manuals, and final decisions of the three-member board are available on this web site without a request under the Freedom of Information Act.